Monday 06

The webpage of the RRI Tools Final Conference is now online

Posted by RRI Tools on 06 Feb 2017

We are happy to announce that the new webpage of the RRI Tools Final Conference is already online - if you visit the page you will find the main materials and outcomes of the conference: videos, presentations, pictures, booklet, link to posts in the blog, etc.

The Final Conference of the RRI Tools project was both a celebration of three years of intensive work and an "open market" to share and exchange ideas on how research and innovation can be built further on more open and responsible foundations. This final meeting was the icing on the cake of an enormously creative and successful project. More than 250 people attended, representing a full range of R&I actors at regional, national, European and global levels.

Visit the webage and get a real feel for what participants discussed and what the two days produced!


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