Monday 31

RRI Tools and LIV_IN joined forces to improve and expand contents of the RRI Toolkit focusing on industry needs

Posted by RRI Tools - Eva Zuazua Schücker on 31 Jan 2022

Thanks to this collaboration we reshaped and enriched those sections of the RRI Tools Platform specifically devoted to industry and business - the introductory landing page for industry and the how-to application guidelines - to make them more useful and attractive for this sector. 

Stakeholder landing pages were designed with the aim to provide a “soft” landing for newcomers, introducing the RRI concept to each stakeholder group. These introductory pages outline what RRI means in simple terms, addressing the main benefits, needs and concerns of each group in their own language. Each tailored page contains a selection of recommended resources and links to the How-to application guidelines. We adapted the landing page for business and industry to the new narrative on responsible innovation developed by LIV_IN. The new design outlines key ideas associated with the concept of responsible innovation and provides a schematic overview of the responsible innovation principles

The How-to application guidelines are meant to provide practical guidance on how to address common challenges faced by industry and corporates when trying to put responsible innovation into practice. Thanks to our collaboration with LIVIN, we were able to develop several new how-to guidelines [How to boost creativity and involve people | How to consider future impacts | The business case for Responsible Innovation | Inclusive innovation] based on work and learnings from the project and to enrich with additional contents some of the already existing ones.

LIV_IN has been very active producing a lot of videos. The project launched a video interview series [the “Responsible Innovation Stories”] featuring great thinkers and inspiring ideas and initiatives from academia, industry, and policy. Around 100 interviews have been shot. And it also has produced 10 high-end videos [the “Responsible Innovation Showcases”]  presenting some of the key learnings of the project. To enrich contents of the landing page for industry and of the how-to guidelines, we developed a new frame showcasing some of these videos.

Our partnership with LIV_IN has also served to expand contents of the RRI Tools resource repository. Many new resources of interest for the industry sector have been uploaded into our resource repository in these last three years.

Resources collected include a variety of tools and methods for different purposes:

  • Technology assessment, risk analysis, foresight, future thinking, ethics, AI ethics, etc
  • Co-creation, co-design, creativity techniques, design thinking, design for all, user-driven innovation, multi- inter- and transdisciplinarity, open innovation, crowdsourcing, citizen science, patient-driven innovation, inclusive innovation, gendered innovation, etc.
  • Sustainable development, circular economy, system innovation, smart specialisation, R&I innovation strategies, R&I governance, tech governance, accountability, etc.

We mainly focused on R&I fields related to the scope of LIV_IN project such as: Health and wellbeing, ICT, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, etc. But we also tried to compile resources related to other industry related fields such as: food and agriculture, energy transition, urban development, transport and mobility, climate change adaptation and sustainability, etc.

We collected resources developed by a wide variety of organizations and initiatives: International multilateral organizations (such as United Nations, the OECD, the WEF, etc.); Universities and Research Centres; R&I projects; Independent non-for-profit think tanks, charities, and foundations, etc., and tried to cover a wide geographical range, tracing and collecting resources developed in different European countries and the USA, but also in other countries and regions, including the Global South.

If you want to access to whole collection --> follow the link



More about the Living Innovation project

LIV_IN is one of the first industry driven initiatives on Responsible Innovation in Europe. The project brings together 14 partners from all over Europe, including major companies, civil society, and research organizations to explore the diverse business opportunities resulting from Responsible Innovation.

The project activities combined a series of on-site workshops with an active online community participating in a wide variety of online dialogues. Together with citizens the project partners co-created responsible solutions in the area of smart homes and smart health and co-developed innovation tools that can be applied in other business sectors as well. 

The participation of "la Caixa" Foundation in the project guaranteed the link and efficient transfer of learnings between LIV_IN and RRI Tools.

After more than three years of hard work LIV_IN officialy ended last November, but the project´s interactive platform will remain up and running, and a series of online innovation corners, around topics such as co-creation, responsible design thinking, extended reality in teaching and more, will be organized in the coming months. Stay tuned!

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