Collecting evidence of the (positive) effect of applying Responsible Innovation approaches when developing smart eHealth and healthy living/ wellbeing solutions
Posted by RRI Tools - Eva Zuazua Schücker on 18 Mar 2021
(*) Post last updated the 13th of May 2021 - link to the recording of the workshop has been added
The LIVING INNOVATION project brings together 14 partners from all over Europe, including major industry leaders, civil society and research organizations to co-develop more responsible, inclusive and sustainable approaches to innovation in the areas of smart homes and smart health.
The participation of "la Caixa" Foundation in the LIV_IN project guarantees the link and the continuous and efficient transfer of learnings between LIV_IN and RRI Tools. The work developed under the umbrella of LIV_IN is serving to enrich and improve contents of the RRI Toolkit focusing on industry needs, and to give higher visibility to LIV_IN and its activities among the R&I community.
LIV_IN has created a virtual community platform and launched different joint actions meant to serve as an interactive space for discussion, knowledge exchange and collaboration, open to experts and practitioners in digitization and responsibility.
In this context Atos & "la Caixa" Foundation have joined forces to identify and collect good practice applying Responsible Innovation (RI) methods and practices to support the design and creation of smart eHealth solutions, and are now organizing a workshop that will take place on March 30th (16.00-17.30 CEST)
(*) Recording of the workshop is now online - see here
The main objective of the workshop is to share experiences and learn about successful examples of smart technologies used to support eHealth, healthy living, and preventive health, and to collect evidence of the (positive) effect of applying Responsible Innovation methodologies.
Seven use case champions have been invited to talk about their projects and to exchange information about their approach to Responsible Innovation and the benefits they obtained. After the presentations an open discussion among the use cases champions will be facilitated by Lydia Montandon and Diana Carbonero, from Atos.