Monday 07

Showcase videos on successful RRI in the business sector

Posted by André Martinuzzi, coordinator of the LIV_IN project on 07 Feb 2022

Based on more than three years of experience the EU funded project LIVING INNOVATION presents major outcomes in 9 showcase videos. 

Many of them will be the starting point of future exchange and networking, as the project will continue to organize online dialogues and virtual innovation corners (for upcoming events please visit our news section)


This video presents a new and business-oriented narrative on Responsible Innovation based on three elements: 

  • Managing Impacts of innovation means to innovate with positive impact and accept responsibility beyond markets. It increases a company’s value and reduces the risks of sunken costs and societal follow up costs.
  • Co-creating Innovation refers to a company’s responsibility to put societal needs in the center of innovation processes and to innovate in a truly inclusive manner. It contributes to more and better fitting ideas and tackles grand societal challenges.
  • A systemic perspective is a company’s responsibility for future-oriented solutions and drives innovation by understanding interrelationships. It allows individual companies to become an industry game-changer and increases societal resilience and sustainability at the same time.

These three elements link the societal benefits of RRI with concrete business cases and highlight the deriving opportunities for companies. More details can be found in the LIV_IN Policy Brief “A New Narrative For Responsible Innovation


Co-creation is a frequently used term in EU policies and programmes. It turns people into partners and takes the diversity of stakeholder interests into account. As a result, implementation is often done faster and with fewer conflicts.

In this video we present a toolkit for co-creation in corporate innovation processes. It addresses aspects of strategic planning, quality criteria, methods and practical considerations of effective and successful co-creation processes.

You can download the co-creation toolbox here 


Design Thinking is a well-established tool for innovation managers, which provides them with a better understanding of user needs and allows faster prototyping of results.

In the LIVING INNOVATION project we integrated key aspects of responsibility and sustainability into design-thinking with a sound scientific basis. We then tested our concept, which we call “Responsible Design Thinking”, in a series of workshops. 

In this video, we briefly introduce the concept and show you how you can apply it. 


As part of the LIVING INNOVATION project, we launched a series of webinars to share the diverse experiences, raise awareness of innovative teaching concepts and to encourage teachers to do more than just teach via Zoom and MS Teams. We discovered some truly innovative applications of virtual, augmented and extended reality which have great potential for the future.

In this video we present the advantages of extended reality (XR) in teaching and training and suggest a virtual one-stop shop that documents these benefits and acts as a reference platform for the various applications. It should take stock of already existing solutions, develop innovative applications from early prototypes to market-ready products, and support their dissemination. 


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Monday 31

RRI Tools and LIV_IN joined forces to improve and expand contents of the RRI Toolkit focusing on industry needs

Posted by RRI Tools - Eva Zuazua Schücker on 31 Jan 2022

Thanks to this collaboration we reshaped and enriched those sections of the RRI Tools Platform specifically devoted to industry and business - the introductory landing page for industry and the how-to application guidelines - to make them more useful and attractive for this sector. 

Stakeholder landing pages were designed with the aim to provide a “soft” landing for newcomers, introducing the RRI concept to each stakeholder group. These introductory pages outline what RRI means in simple terms, addressing the main benefits, needs and concerns of each group in their own language. Each tailored page contains a selection of recommended resources and links to the How-to application guidelines. We adapted the landing page for business and industry to the new narrative on responsible innovation developed by LIV_IN. The new design outlines key ideas associated with the concept of responsible innovation and provides a schematic overview of the responsible innovation principles

The How-to application guidelines are meant to provide practical guidance on how to address common challenges faced by industry and corporates when trying to put responsible innovation into practice. Thanks to our collaboration with LIVIN, we were able to develop several new how-to guidelines [How to boost creativity and involve people | How to consider future impacts | The business case for Responsible Innovation | Inclusive innovation] based on work and learnings from the project and to enrich with additional contents some of the already existing ones.


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Thursday 10

Join the SeeRRI Final Conference | Bringing RRI into Regional Planning

Posted by The SeeRRI team on 10 Jun 2021

The SeeRRI project has worked tirelessly for three years to find a framework that allows territories to put Responsible Research and Innovation principles at the core of their smart specialisation stratregy. Financed by Horizon2020, the project has piloted its process in three different territories: B30 (Spain), Lower Austria, and Nordland (Norway), and has counted on the participation of twelve partner organisations from five different countries. 

As it is now coming to an end, the SeeRRI project will culminate in the Final Conference “Bringing RRI into Regional Planning: From Theory to SeeRRI”, which will take place in the beautiful modernist building “Casa Convalescència” in Barcelona on the 29th and 30th of September. The Conference will bring together policymakers, regional stakeholders, researchers, members of SeeRRI and related projects, EU officials, citizens interested in the future of Europe, and inspiring guest speakers for two days of knowledge-sharing and lively debates about the future of responsible regional planning and responsible research and innovation (RRI) in Europe and beyond.


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Friday 14

How to include blind and visually impaired people in innovation

Posted by RRI Tools - Eva Zuazua Schücker on 14 May 2021

(*) Post last updated the 27th of May 2021 - link to the recording of the webinar has been added

The LIVING INNOVATION project brings together 14 partners from all over Europe, including major industry leaders, civil society and research organizations to co-develop more responsible, inclusive and sustainable approaches to innovation in the areas of smart homes and smart health. The participation of "la Caixa" Foundation in the project guarantees the link and efficient transfer of learnings between LIV_IN and RRI Tools

LIV_IN has created a virtual community platform and launched different joint actions meant to serve as an interactive space for discussion, knowledge exchange and collaboration, open to experts and practitioners.

In this context Dialogik has launched an online working group on inclusive innovation and is organizing a series of workshops. The fisrt one was focused on co-creation with families. The second one will be taking place on May 25th and will be focused on co-creation with blind and visually impaired people.

Two cases will be presented, the experience by the Siemens Accessibility Competence Center conducting several co-creation workshops with blind and visually impaired people in the context of LIV_IN, and the "Sensory Assistive Technologies for Impaired Persons" project, an initiative by the IIT, which is part of the RRI Tools collection of inspiring practices

How to include blind & visually impaired people in innovation | webinar on May 25th 2021 (16:00 – 17:30 CEST)

(*) Recording of the webinar is now online - see here

Presenting two cases of involving blind and visually impaired people, you can explore how co-creation with experts and citizens works and learn why inclusive innovation is worth considering


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Wednesday 05

Co-innovation with and for Society | Riconfigure Final Virtual Event

Posted by Matilde Trevisani - Fondazione Adriano Olivetti on 05 May 2021

(*) Post last updated on June 3rd 2021 - the detailed agenda of the event has been added


Traditionally the innovation process has been driven by the industry, the public sector and/or research. However, increasingly, it is acknowledged that actors from the sector of civil society may bring valuable knowledge to innovation and it is becoming necessary to include these undervalued actors in order to let innovative solutions flourish.

Models like Open Innovation 2.0, Mode 3 or Quadruple Helix (QH) innovation provide theoretical frames for cross sector collaboration that incorporates civil society. The idea of these inclusive innovation models is the following: by bringing different voices together in new types of collaborations, blind spots are avoided because every actor has specific competences and focus points. Also, it is assumed that with an active co-creation process with civil society it is possible
to find more holistic and appropriate solutions.

The RiConfigure project has been dedicated to empirically investigate such actions and to make cross-sectoral collaborations thrive and overcome the challenges that the actors might face.


The RiConfigure final event is an open online event that serve a double purpose. On the one hand, it brings to the public the main results of the project in gaining a more realistic understanding of real-life Quadruple Helix Collaborations (QHCs).  On the other hand, the final event aims to create a space to discuss the roles QH may have in national and EU Research & Innovation landscapes and particularly for the Horizon Europe (HE) Programme.

All participants will be involved in co-creating an agenda on future research directions, policy improvements and actions to be taken to make QHCs progress from a normative concept to a well-established social practice in the context of the forthcoming HE framework.


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