RRI Tools featured in the EFC Effect magazine
Posted by RRI Tools on 21 May 2015
In the Spring 2015 issue of the EFC Effect magazine, the RRI Tools project coordinator Ignasi López Verdeguer ("La Caixa" Foundation) gives an interview to share his views on RRI and detail the achievements and future challenges of the project.
According to him, RRI "is a new way of governing science, one where people are involved with the purpose of thinking about the best futures for society." In practice, the RRI Tools stakeholder consultation workshops held this autumn in 22 countries with more than 400 participants have been a good way of creating a shared definition of RRI and collecting examples of good practices accross Europe. The next step is to produce a toolkit which will include a library of RRI case studies and practical guides to ease the implementation of RRI at all institutional levels.
Read the full version of the article on page 27 of the latest issue of Effect magazine, a publication of the European Foundation Centre, a member of the RRI Tools project.
In December 2014, following the Research Forum Stakeholders' Conference on excellence in research in Warsaw, the EFC had already released a Statement acknowledging the potential of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) to steer the field and its outcomes towards more desirable ends. Thus, the EFC is committed to develop, promote and support RRI and suggests other foundations and philanthropic institutions consider doing so.
In addition to the European Foundation Centre, the RRI Tools comprises four foundations amongst its 26 members: "la Caixa" Foundation (coordinator), the King Baudouin Foundation, Fondazione Cariplo and the Foundation for Polish Science. If you would like to know how to get involved in RRI as a foundation, why not contact them?
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